Organic fruits

Mamones Farm – Field of Dreams

About 40 minutes South of Dominical in San Buenas, Cortes there is a huge Mamones farm we like to visit to pick fresh Mamones.  It is lots of fun to bring the whole family and get as much as you can eat to last a week, not to mention filling up while you are picking them right off the tree. The Mamone is a golf ball sized fruit with red peal and soft spikes also called Lechies in Asia.  Inside is a grape...

Planting Fruit Trees

Now you have a home and property or even a lot ready to build, and want to plant some flowers and fruit trees.  This is one of the best aspects of living in such a tropical environment, you can usually literally cut off a branch and stick it in the ground and it will grow.  You will notice driving down the road though out the country, some of the fence posts have started growing branches and become trees...